Veröffentlichungen Dr. Marc Grünhagen, MBA

Kleinert, S., Volkmann, C., Grünhagen, M. (2018): Third-party signals in equity crowdfunding: the role of prior financing, in: Small Business Economics - An Entrepreneurial Journal. (Journal Publication)

Bischoff, K., Grünhagen, M. (2017): Technical University of Kosice: Extra-curricular Entrepreneurship Education Activities and Start-up Coaching Within the Region, in: Volkmann, C. K., Audretsch, D. B. (eds.), Entrepreneurship Education at Universities - Learning from Twenty European Cases, Berlin et al.; Springer, 143-170. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M. (2017): Johannes Kepler University Linz: Inspiring Teaching and a Support Network for Academic Entrepreneurs, in: Volkmann, C. K., Audretsch, D. B. (eds.), Entrepreneurship Education at Universities - Learning from Twenty European Cases, Berlin et al.; Springer, 515-536. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M. (2017): Erasmus University Rotterdam: Building the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship and Advancing Corporate Entrepreneurship, in: Volkmann, C. K., Audretsch, D. B. (eds.), Entrepreneurship Education at Universities - Learning from Twenty European Cases, Berlin et al.; Springer, 623-654. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M. et al. (2017): Insights for Entrepreneurship Educators, Education Managers, and University Leaders, in: Volkmann, C. K., Audretsch, D. B. (eds.), Entrepreneurship Education at Universities - Learning from Twenty European Cases, Berlin et al.; Springer, 655-666. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M. et al. (2015) Supporting the Entrepreneurial Potential of Higher Education – Final Report to the European Commission. (Technical Report)

Grünhagen, M. et al. (2015): University-based Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Regional Specifics in Eastern and Western Europe, in: CERS 2014 Conference Proceedings, 186-196. (Conference Paper)

Volkmann, C. K., Grünhagen, M. (2014), Integrated support for university entrepreneurship from entrepreneurial intent towards behaviour: The case of the German „EXIST“ policy programme, in: Fayolle, A., Redford, D. T. (eds.), Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University, 225-247. (Book Chapter)

Volkmann, C. K., Grünhagen, M. (2014), Antecedents of academics entrepreneurial intentions - Developing a people-oriented model for university entrepreneurship, in: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 6(2), 179-200. (Journal Publication)

Grünhagen, M., Berg, H. (2012): Social Entrepreneurship in the Market System, in: Volkmann, C., Tokarski, K.O., Ernst, K. (eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Social Businesses- An Introduction and Discussion with Case Studies, Wiesbaden; Gabler, 214-234. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M., Berg, H. (2011): Modelling the antecedents of innovation-based growth intentions in entrepreneurial ventures – The role of perceived regulatory conditions in the German renewable energies and disease management industries, in: International Journal of Technology Policy and Management, 11 (3-4), 220-249. (Journal Publication)

Volkmann, C. K., Tokarski, K. O., Grünhagen, M. (2010): Entrepreneurship in a European perspective – concepts for the creation and growth of new ventures. Wiesbaden: Gabler. (Book Publication)

Koch, L. T., Kuhn, W., Gruenhagen, M. and Hisrich, R. D. (2010): The “irrelevance of irrelevance” in entrepreneurial finance – Modelling the cost of capital in start-ups beyond Modigliani-Miller, in: Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 19(1-2), 29-43. (Journal Publication)
DOI: 10.1002/jsc.856 htt/

Koch, L. T., Grünhagen, M. (2010): Wandel als Chance – Innovationsimpulse und institutionelles Unternehmertum, in: Baumann, W. et al. (Hrsg.), Innovation und Internationalisierung – Festschrift für Norbert Koubek, Berlin; VS-Verlag, 231-260. (Book Chapter)

Ruhle, S., Mühlbauer, D., Grünhagen, M., Rothenstein, J. (2010): The heirs of Schumpeter: An insight view of students’ entrepreneurial intentions at the Schumpeter School, in: The Schumpeter Discussion Papers, No. 4 / 2010. (pdf) (Working Paper)

Fallgatter, M. J., Gruenhagen, M., Koch, L. T. (2010): On the cognitive basis of initiating intra- and interorganisational cooperation, in: International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 7(1), S. 80-98. (Journal Publication)
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2010.029872 htt/

Koch, L. T., Grünhagen, M. (2009): The value of delays: market- and policy-induced adjustment processes as a motivating factor in dynamic entrepreneurship, in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19 (5), 701-724. (Journal Publication)
DOI: 10.1007/s00191-008-0130-8 htt/

Grünhagen, M. (2008): The evolution of entrepreneurs’ fund-raising intentions – a multiple case study of financing processes in new ventures, Wiesbaden: Gabler. (Book Publication)

Koch, L. T., Kautonen, T., Grünhagen, M. (2006): Development of cooperation in New Venture Support Networks: the role of key actors, in: Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13 (1), 62-72. (Journal Publication)
DOI: 10.1108/13552550510615015 htt/

Grünhagen, M. (2005): Promotoren in Gründungsförderungsnetzwerken - Eine elementare netzwerkkulturelle Perspektive und erste empirische Ergebnisse, in: K. Walterscheid (ed.), Gründungsforschung und Gründungslehre zwischen Identitätssuche und ‚normalwissenschaftlichem’ Arbeiten, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 115-136. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M., Koch, L. T., Saßmannshausen, S. P. (2005): Kooperation in EXIST-Gründungsförderungsnetzwerken – eine explorative Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Promotorenfunktionen, in: A.-K. Achleitner et al. (eds.), Jahrbuch Entrepreneurship - Gründungsforschung und Gründungsmanagement 2004/2005, Berlin: Springer, 319-338. (Book Chapter)

Grünhagen, M., Koch, L. T., Kautonen, T. (2005): Development of New Venture Support Networks and the Role of “Promoters”, in: ERSA conference board (eds.), ERSA Conference Proceedings of the 43rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association, CD-Rom Publication. (Conference Paper)

Grünhagen, M. (2004): Managing Organizational Legitimacy in the Financing Process of New Firms – Cases from the German Disease Management Industry, in: S. Zhara et al. (eds.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2004, Wellesley, 726. (Conference Paper)

Grünhagen, M. et al. (2003): Evolution of Cooperation in New Venture Support Networks: An Exploratory Study on the Role of Promoters, in: W. D. Bygrave et al. (eds.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2003, Wellesley, 237. (Conference Paper)


Gutachtertätigkeiten (Auswahl)

Gutachtertätigkeiten für:

  • Journal of Business Venturing (JBV)
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEI)
  • Judge - Thunderbird Sustainable Innovation Summit 2008 (Thunderbird School of Global Management, Glendale, Arizona, USA)
  • International Small Business Journal
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (IJEV)

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